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Derek's Wildebeest and Habitat Quiz

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  •  English    10     Public
    This is a special quiz for Mr. Derek.
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  • Which habitat is this? And what animals can you find here?
    This is the desert. You can find camels, snakes, scorpions and other animals here.
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  • What animal is this? And in which habitat would you find animals like it?
    This is a shark (the megalodon shark is extinct). You would find animals like them in the ocean.
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  • Which habitat is this and what animals could you see here?
    This is the rainforest/forest. You might find snakes, monkeys, giant centipedes and piranhas there
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  • This is known as the ... (great run / great migration/ great drink hunt).
    The great migration.
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  • The wildebeest are looking for... (their homework / A T.V. to watch Demon Slayer / watering holes).
    Watering holes to drink from.
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  • Which two countries do the wildebeest migrate between?
    Kenya and Tanzania.
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  • How many babies to the wildebeest have in the migration? (1 million / 500,000 / 250,000?)
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  • What is the name for a group of wildebeest?
    A herd.
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  • Fix the sentence: travel / survive. / Wildebeest/ to
    Wildebeest travel to survive.
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  • Fix the sentence: predators / include / Wildebeest / lions, crocodiles and other meat eaters. /
    Wildebeest predators include lions, crocodiles and other meat eaters.
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