Game Preview


  •  Indonesian    12     Public
    Semester 1
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Iron is a magnetic material. It will be ________ to magnets but not to other magnetic materials.
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  • A soft drink can is made of metal, but it is not attracted to magnets. Why?
    Not all metals are magnetic materials. A soft drink can is not made of a metal such as iron or steel that is magnetic. So, it is not attracted to magnets.
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  • The force that attracts or repels a magnetic object or another magnet is called magnetic _________
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  • Why is the lady able to sit on the chair and not fall through it?
    There is gravity acting downwards while normal force is acting in the opposite direction. With these forces balanced, the lady is able to sit on her chair witho
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  • Most prey have their eyes on the sides of their heads. Describe how this helps them get away from danger.
    By having the eyes on the sides of their heads, the prey have a wider vision. This allows them to spot approaching predators and get away from danger quickly.
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  • Cheetahs live in dry areas with hard grounds. Suggest what would happen if the cheetahs were moved to wetlands.
    The cheetahs would not be able to move fast to hunt for their prey in wetlands. They may not be able to survive.
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  • The petals of some flowers are _______ coloured to attract insects and birds.
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  • ________ sticks to the bodies of pollinators and is transferred to other flowers as they move.
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  • Mention the adaptations of the beaver____
    It has a paddle shaped tail to help it swim and it has a waterproof coat to keep itself warm from the cold water.
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  • These living things (camel,cactus,cotton plant) survive in what enviroment____
    hot environment
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  • Fries are cooked using a lot of oil. Explain why eating a lot of fries can be bad for your health.
    Oils are rich in fats. Eating too much of fats can cause heart disease. So, eating a lot of fries can be bad for our health
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  • Carpel or Pistil (female reproduction) of flower, consist of __________
    stigma, style, pollen tube, ovule, ovary
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