Game Preview


  •  English    24     Public
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  • 1. What is your name?
    I am from Buon Ma Thuot City. /My hometown is Buon Ma Thuot City.
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  • 2.How old are you?
    I am 16 years old. /I just turned 16 last month.
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  • 3.In what city do you live?
    I live in Buon Ma Thuot City. /I reside in Buon Ma Thuot City.
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  • 4.Which school do you go to?
    I attend Hoang Viet School. / I'm a student at Hoang Viet School.
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  • 5.In what grade are you in?
    I am in the 11th grade.
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  • 6.What are you doing?
    Right now, I'm working on a project. /I'm watching a movie. /I'm reading a book.
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  • 7.What did you do yesterday?
    Yesterday, I went shopping with friends. /I attended a family gathering.
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  • 8.What time do you get up?
    I usually get up at 7 AM. / My wake-up time is around 6:30 AM.
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  • 9.Tell me about your daily routine using sequence.
    In the morning, I have breakfast, then I go to school. Afternoons are for studying, and evenings are for hobbies like painting or playing guitar.
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  • 10.How often do you [something]?
    I meet my friends for dinner once a week./ I practice playing the guitar twice a week.
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  • 11.I always work out (give 3 follow up questions)
    How often do you work out during the week? What's your favorite type of workout? Do you prefer working out at home or at a gym?
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  • 12.Look at the picture and tell me what she is doing? What are they doing?
    In the picture, she appears to be reading a book. They seem to be having a picnic. / She's probably cooking. They seem to be setting up a campsite.
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  • 13.What subjects are you studying at school?
    I'm studying Math, English, and Chemistry./ I have classes in Biology, English, and History
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  • 14.Tell me about your house.
    Our house is a cozy two-room house with a garden. / We live in a traditional-style house with a lot of trees
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  • 15.Where is it located?
    It's located in a suburban area. /Our apartment is situated in the city center. /We're situated in the central part of the city.
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  • 16.What do you like about it?
    I love the peaceful atmosphere and friendly neighbors.
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