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3rd Grade History Test 4

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  •  English    31     Public
    p. 156-196
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Open, free land where few people have settled
  •  15
  • A person who travels into an unknown land to settle there
  •  15
  • The pioneer who explored Kentucky and made the Wilderness Road
    Daniel Boone
  •  15
  • The tribe of Native Americans that sold Kentucky in 1775
  •  15
  • The man who bought Kentucky from the Cherokee Nation
    Colonel Richard Henderson
  •  15
  • The settlement in Kentucky named after Daniel Boone
  •  15
  • A minister who rode on horseback from place to place to preach and perform other religious cermonies
    circuit-riding preacher
  •  15
  • A time duringin America during Peter Cartwright's ministry when many people turned to God
    Second Great Awakening
  •  15
  • A circuit-riding preacher who traveled in the Midwest and saw many people trust in God for salvation
    Peter Cartwright
  •  15
  • How old was Peter Cartwright when God called him to be a preacher?
  •  15
  • Who did Peter Cartwright run against for state legislature and senate?
    Abraham Lincoln
  •  15
  • This tribe of Native Americans captured and adopted Daniel Boone
  •  15
  • Peter Cartwright and his family moved from Kentucky to....
  •  15
  • The Shoshone Native American woman who became a guide and translator for Lewis and Clark
  •  15
  • Sacagawea's tribe who were known for raising horses
    Shoshone Tribe
  •  15
  • The land bought from France in the Louisiana Purchase
    Louisiana Territory
  •  15