Game Preview

Spotlight 6 Module 2

  •  Russian    45     Public
    Подготовка к контрольной работе по 2 модулю
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • aofs
    sofa - диван
  •  5
  • pficaerle
    fireplace - камин
  •  5
  • tacpre
    carpet - ковер
  •  5
  • ssihocun
    cushion - подушечка
  •  5
  • rihcmara
    armchair - кресло
  •  5
  • August, October, June, July
    October - октябрь
  •  5
  • September, October, December, November
    December - декабрь
  •  5
  • May, March, April, June
    June - июнь
  •  5
  • December, February, April, January
    April - апрель
  •  5
  • 41st
    the forty-first
  •  10
  • 3rd
    the third
  •  10
  • 12th
    the twelfth
  •  10
  • 20th
    the twentieth
  •  10
  • 25th
    the twenty-fifth
  •  10
  • 7.00
    It's seven o'clock.
  •  10
  • 10.45
    It's a quarter to eleven.
  •  10