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6th - Unit 3 - In the city

  •  English    20     Public
    Past simple to be - Directions
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  • ¿Estabas tú en el polideportivo ayer? No. (Short answer).
    Were you at the sports centre yesterday? No, I wasn't.
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  • ¿Dónde estuviste ayer? Estaba en el centro comercial. Me compré una sudadera.
    Where were you yesterday? I was at the shopping centre. I bought a hoody/sweatshirt.
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  • ¿Cuántas veces vas a la bolera? Voy alrededor de dos veces al año.
    How often do you go to the bowling alley? I go about twice a year.
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  • ¿Dónde estuviste anoche? En el acuario.
    Where were you last night? At the aquarium.
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  • ¿Estaba ella en la pista de patinaje el miércoles? No. (Short answer).
    Was she at the ice rink on Wednesday? No, she wasn't.
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  • ¿Estuvieron ellos en el teatro el fin de semana pasado? Sí. (Short answer).
    Were they at the theatre last weekend? Yes, they were.
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  • ¿Cómo viajó allí?
    How did she/he travel there?
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  • Ella viajó en metro.
    She travelled by metro /underground/ subway.
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  • ¿Cúanto tardó (el trayecto)? Tardó 30 minutos.
    How long did it take? It took thirty minutes.
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  • ¿Dónde fuiste primero? Primero fuimos a la galería de arte.
    Where did you go first? First we went to the art gallery.
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  • How can you travel around? Answer giving 6 examples.
    By bus, by tram, by metro, by ferry, by train, by taxi.
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  • Where were you last weekend?(Answer for you).
    I was in... at...
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  • Ellos fueron a Londres. (+) (-) (?)
    (+)They went to London. // (-) They didn't go to London. // Did they go to London?
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  • Did you visit a museum? (Short answer)(-).
    No, I didn't.
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  • How long did it take? (Translate into Spanish).
    ¿Cuánto tardó? / Quant va tardar?
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  • ¿Cuánto tardó el tranvía?
    How long did the tram take?
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