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Esthetics chapter 13

  •  English    50     Public
    Advanced topics and treatments
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  • What is true of the esthetics use of machine technology?
    the newest technology is always the most effective choice
    advanced technology is not generally worth the experience
    advances technology has not altered much in the last 5 years
    machines can produce better results
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  • What do the terms superficial peeling, exfoliation, keratolysis, and desquamation refer to?
    removal of dead skin cells
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  • What is the best choice of a products pH for use in salon peels?
    a pH between 3-5.5 depending on the clients skin pH
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  • The peels that typically have the lowest pH are _______.
    Physician peels
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  • What type of peel would NOT typically be used by an esthetician?
    a peel with strong TCA concentration
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  • Chemical exfoliation does NOT typically result in ________.
    improved skin texture
    reduced surface pigmentation
    dry skin
    increased CRF
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  • After a chemical peel, esteticians should tell clients to avoid _______ for at least 24 hrs.
    sun exposure
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  • How often should (could) the most gentle enzyme peels be repeated?
    Once a week
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  • what type of treatment would a client who was a vegan likely object to?
    a peel made with papain
    a peel made with trypsin
    a tartaric peel
    a peel made with bromelain
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  • When would an enzymw peel NOT be typically used?
    before a chemical peel
    in conjunction with a clinical facial
    in conjunction with LED treatment
    before mircrodermabrasion
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  • What is good advice for estheticians who do not have much experience with enzyme peels?
    be preped to leave the peel longer
    always leave the peel on as long as manufacturers rec.
    be preped to remove the peel before manufacturers rec.
    only perform spot removal in an emergency
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  • what single factor will bring the most effective long term results when using enzyme peels with a client?
    communication with the client
    BHA peels
    frequent applications
    AHA peels
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  • Clients should NOT typically experience flaking when using _________ in an esthetics context.
    AHA peels
    BHA peels
    jessners peels
    TCA peels
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  • Drying after-effects are typically avoided with ______.
    manual microdermabrasion
    crystal microdermabrasion
    crystal-free microdermabrasion
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  • Microdermabrasion would be a good choice for ______.
    clients with inflamed acne
    clients who have fragile skin
    Clients who are wrinkled
    clients who are prone to hyperpigmentation
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  • what is the most important thing to know about light therapy is?
    equipment should be selected based on skin type & condition
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