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The Ottoman Empire

  •  English    14     Public
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  • The Ottoman empire began in the Anatolian Peninsula, which is now modern day...
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  • The elite guard who protected the sultan were called...j
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  • Name two modern day countries where Ottoman expansion reached during the 14th-17th centuries.
    Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Romania, Hungary, Moldova, Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, etc....
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  • What was the name of the sultan who conquered Constantinople and ended the Byzantine Empire in 1453?
    Mehmed II
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  • How did the Ottomans manage to break the walls of Constantinople?
    With massive cannons and stone cannon balls
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  • What was the name for local rulers who collected taxes and reported to the central government? a. viziers b. pashas c. ulema
    b. pashas
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  • What were the sultan's quarters called? a. court b. vizier c. harem
    c. harem
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  • What modern day city is the Topkapi Palace located in?
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  • What was the role of the grand vizier?
    Chief minister, often largely responsible for the affairs of state
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  • True or false? Non-muslims in the Ottoman Empire paid a special tax.
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  • The roof of an Ottoman mosque typically takes what form?
    A dome
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  • True or false? Ottoman women were allowed to own property.
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  • What was Ottoman sultan Süleyman I's "nickname"? (e.g. Ivan the Terrible)
    Süleyman the Magnificent
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  • Name one issue that the Ottoman empire began to have in the 17th cent.
    Decentralized government, corruption, loss of territory
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