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  •  Indonesian    13     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • what are the reactants of photosynthesis ?
    Water & carbon dioxide
  •  15
  • what are the product of photosynthesis
    glucose & oksigen
  •  15
  • what factors affect the rate of photosynthesis?
    light intensity
  •  15
  • What gas bubbles are produced in the Ingenhousz experiment?
  •  15
  • true or false oxygen does not affect photosynthesi
  •  10
  • The functions of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll) are..
    Absorb light and convert it into chemical energy
  •  15
  • true or false, light affects the photosynthesis process
  •  10
  • Carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants through an organ called...
  •  15
  • The use of alcohol in the Sachs experiment served to
    dissolves chlorophyll
  •  15
  • In the sachs experiment, the leaves are drip with lugol to prove that the
    photosynthesis produces amylum
  •  15
  • True or false 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 wrong chemical reaction in photosynthesis
  •  15
  • in what year did sachz conduct photosynthesis experiments
  •  10
  • at night plants breathe and produce inorganic substances in the form o
    carbon dioxyde
  •  15