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Seed Anatomy

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  •  English    20     Public
    What are the components of seeds and what are their functions?
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  • Which type of plant only has one cotyledon
    Monocotyledons (also known as monocots)
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  • Which type of plant has two cotyledons?
    Dicotyledons (also known as Dicots)
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  • What is the function of a cotyledon? What does it do?
    A cotyledon is the part of the seed that will grow into the leaves.
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  • Plants have an alternation of generations in their life cycle. What does this mean?
    Alternation of generations is a type of life cycle found in plants in which generations of individuals alternate between haploid and diploid organisms.
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  • If a cell is diploid, what does it contain?
    The cell will contain ALL of the chromosomes needed to be that particular organism. The chromosomes will be paired up.
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  • If a cell is haploid, what does it contain?
    The cell will contain only HALF of the chromosomes needed to be that organism. The chromosomes will NOT be partnered up.
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  • What are seeds?
    Seeds are mature, fertilized ovules. They can be described as the dispersal and propagation units of seed plants, conifers and angiosperms.
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  • What are ovules?
    They are basically the "ovaries" of plants where haploid egg cells are produced.
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  • In plants, what are embryos?
    An embryo is a "baby plant" found within a seed. It is a immature sporophyte. It is diploid and the result of fertilization.
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  • In a plant seed, what is endosperm? What does it do?
    Endosperm is the food storage tissue inside a seed. An embryo gets nutrition from endosperm until it can photosynthesize for itself. Endosperm is triploid (3n),
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  • In plant seeds, what is the testa? What does it do?
    The testa is the "seed coat" that protects the embryo and endosperm.
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  • Which of the following are considered to be fruits? 1) Apples 2) Tomatoes
    Both apples and tomatoes are fruits? Why? They both contain seeds!
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  • In plant embryos, what is an epicotyl? What does it do?
    A region of an embryonic stem just above the cotyledon. This part of the embryo grows very quickly and ensures the plant breaks the surface of the soil.
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  • In plants, what is a hypocotyl? What does it do?
    The hypocotyl is an area below the cotyledons where a lot of cell division (mitosis) takes place. It causes rapid linear growth (length) and becomes the stem.
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  • In plants, what is mitosis used for?
    Mitosis is cell division. It is used for growth and development.
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  • In plants, what is meiosis used for?
    Meiosis is used for making haploid gametes (sperm and egg)
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