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IELTS Writing task 2 - Review

  •  English    12     Public
    Review the types of essay in writing task 2
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  • What are the assessment criteria for IELTS Writing Task 2 essays?
    Task Response, Coherence & Cohesion, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range & Accuracy
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  • What do you need to accomplish good Task Response?
    Address all parts of the question, Maintain a clear position, Give relevant supporting ideas
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  • What does the task require you to do in this question? "Newspapers should be under some governmental control to avoid the potential risks of a totally free press. To what extent do you agree with this statement?"
    Decide how much you agree/ disagree and write an essay supporting your view
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  • What does the task require you to do in this question? "Newspapers should be under some governmental control to avoid the potential risks of a totally free press. Discuss the pros and cons of a free press."
    Explain both sides of the argument and give support
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  • What does the task require you to do in this question? "Newspapers should be under some government control to avoid the potential risks of a totally free press. Do you agree or disagree? How important are newspaper newspaper are in society?
    Decide your view and support it. Include a discussion of the role of newspaper in today's world
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  • "Newspapers should be under some governmental control to avoid the potential risks of a totally free press. What do you think are some problems of free press? What measures could be taken to reduce them?"
    Discuss some potential problems of having a free press and propose some solutions
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  • "Newspapers should be under some government control to avoid the potential risks of a totally free press. How do you think the internet affect issues of press freedom? Will the Net lead to an end to newspapers?
    Decide if you think the Net has an effect on the argument surrounding press censorship. Then describe whether newspaper will eventually be overtaken by the Net
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  • What is the thesis statement's function?
    Answer the essay questions and direct the whole essay
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  • List 3 lexical items/ collocations in the topic "The media"
    free press, censorship, a tabloid, a whistle-blower....
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  • What would you do to accomplish good Coherence & Cohesion?
    rganize ideas logically with a clear progression, Use linking words & referencing, Have one central idea for each paragraphWhat would you do to accomplish good
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  • "Clear progression", which criterion pays attention to this feature?
    Coherence & Cohesion
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  • What would you do to accomplish good Lexical Resource?
    Paraphrase, Use collocations and less common vocabulary, Use words precisely, Don't make spelling or word choice mistakes
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