Game Preview

Story Problems

  •  English    23     Public
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  • Diego & Travis brought hockey cards. Diego has 20 cards, 8 are members of the famous Hockmasters, Travis has 15 cards, 3 of which are members of the same team. Which of the two has the greater fraction of Hockmasters cards in their deck?
    Diego: 8 out of 20 = 8/20 Roy: 3 out of 15 = 3/15 8/20 > 3/15; Diego has the greater fraction of the Hockmasters cards.
  •  15
  • Laurice’s father wanted to have citrus cream pie and so he bought one from the baker’s corner. If they consumed 5 of the 8 equal slices of the citrus cream pie, what part of the pie was left?
    out of 8 = 5/8, that means 3 out of 8 was left = 3/8 3/8 of the pie was left unconsumed.
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  • Roy and Travis brought their matchbox cars. Roy has 12 matchbox cars, 3 of which are red while Travis has 10 matchbox cars, 5 of which are also red. Which of the two has a greater fraction of red matchbox cars?
    Roy: 3 out of 12 = 3/12 Travis: 5 out of 10 = 5/10 5/10 > 3/12 ; Travis has the greater fraction of red cars
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  • Roy also brought his bag of marbles. Of his 30 marbles, 10 are also blue. What fraction of Roy’s marbles is blue?
    10 out of 30 = 10/30 10/30 of Roy’s marbles are blue.
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  • Diego brought his bag of marbles and found that 4 of his 24 marbles are blue. What fraction of Diego’s marbles is blue?
    4 out of 24 = 4/24 4/24 of Diego’s marbles are blue.
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  • Of the 4 lbs of carrots that her mother bought, 1 lb will be used for minestrone and 2 lbs to feed their rabbits. What fraction of the carrots will be used for minestrone?
    1 out of 4 = 1/4 A total of 1/4 of the carrots will be used for minestrone.
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  • Gilly found 15 books on underwater life and brought 7 of these to the table. What fraction of the books on underwater life did she bring to the table?
    7 out of 15 = 7/15 She brought 7/15 of the books on underwater to the nearest table
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  • Laurice’s mother bought 1 bag of flour which weighs 10 lbs. She will use 3 lbs to make pancakes for breakfast the next day. What fraction of the bag of flour will she use to make pancakes?
    3 out of 10 = 3/10 She will use 3/10 of the bag of flour to make pancakes.
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  • Laurice is fond of fruits so he went to the fruit section and saw that there was one crate with 24 red juicy apples. She asked her mom to buy 5 of these. What fraction of the apples did they buy?
    5 out of 24 = 5/24 They bought 5/24 of the apples in the crate.
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  • Samuel and his friends went to the zoo. The boys saw a group of monkeys playing on the nearby tree. If there are a total of 24 monkeys playing and 14 of them are male, what fraction of the group of monkeys are male?
    14 out of 24 is equal to 14/ 24
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  • Samuel and his friends went to the zoo. There are two aviaries. The first one contains 24 birds and 18 of them have brown feathers. What fraction of the birds in the first aviary is brown?
    18 out of 24 is equal 18/24
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  • Samuel and his friends went to the zoo If the second aviary has 32 birds and 20 of them have brown feathers, and the first one contains 24 birds and 18 of them have brown feathers aviary has a greater fraction of brown-feathered birds?
    Second aviary: 8 out of 10 is equal to 8/10 First aviary has 9 out of 20 equals 9/20 8/10 is greater > than 9/20
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  • Diego brought his bag of marbles and found that 4 of his 24 marbles are blue. What fraction of Diego’s marbles is blue?
    4 out of 24 = 4/24 of Diego’s marbles are blue.
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  • Hannah bought 100 lbs of strawberries, 70 lbs of which was used in making Strawberry Overload cakes. What fraction of the Strawberries was used for Strawberry Overload cakes?
    70 out of 100 = 70/100 of the strawberries were used.
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  • During the first five minutes, 6 of the 8 slices of one Strawberry Overload cake were sold. What fraction of the Strawberry Overload cake was sold during the first five minutes?
    6 out of 8 = 6/8 or simply 3/4 3/4 of the Strawberry Overload cake was sold during the first 5mins.
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  • At the bake sale 8 of 12 slices of a large apple pie were sold in the first 10 minutes. What fraction of the apple pie was sold in the first 10 minutes?
    12 out of 15 = 12/15 or simply 4/5 4/5 of the chocolate chip cookie boxes were sold during the sale.
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