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Kingdoms of the Nile

  •  English    56     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The third Egyptian dynasty, which lasted 500 years is called
    Old Kingdom
    Middle Kingdom
    New Kingdom
    Not So Young Kingdom
  •  15
  • The period of stability and order between 2050 -1750 BC is called
    Middle Kingdom
    Not So Yong Kingdom
    New Kingdom
    Old Kingdom
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  • The height of Egypt's power and glory, between 1550 -1050 BC is called
    New Kingdom
    Middle Kingdom
    Old Kingdom
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  • What do we call paths followed by those people who are into exchanging one good for another good from one region to another
    trade routes
    dangerous routes
    scary routes
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  • Who is an important New Kingdom Pharaoh who defended Egypt from invaders
    Ramses the Good
    Ramses the Defender
    Queen Hatshepsut
    Ramses the Great
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  • The New Kingdom Pharaoh who was renowned for expanding Egyptian trade
    Ramses the Great
    Queen of Hats and Sut
    Queen Hatsputs
    Queen Hatshepsut
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  • True or False: The Old Kingdom ended with Egypt in debt
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  • Who ruled Egypt before the Middle Kingdom began?
    Ambitious Nobles with no central ruler
    Nobles who were humble and generous
    Cowardly nobles who were afraid
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  • Who began Egypt's 18th dynasty by chasing away invaders and started the New Kingdom
    Ahem the Rose
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  • What vocabulary word best describes the picture?
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  • Triangle-shaped area of land made of soil deposited by a river is called
    a delta
    a dellta
    a data
    a deli
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  • Which word means a "great house" and is used for a title of a ruler
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  • If I am part of a dynasty then I am a
    I am a member of a family that rules one year then leaves
    member of a long line of rulers from the same family
    I am a member of the president's household
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  • Menes is known for
    wrestling crocodiles
    splitting upper and lower Egypt
    Spending his time on a yacht on the nile
    uniting lower and upper Egypt
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  • True or False: Egypt's existence was based solely around the Nile
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  • Why did Herodotus call Egypt the gift of the Nile?
    The Nile was a goddess that gave presents
    Because he thought the Nile was a beautiful river
    Because Egypt depended on the Nile for life
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