Game Preview

New Ghoul in School

  •  English    20     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Shudder
    to tremble or give a sudden shiver
  •  25
  • Familiar
    easy to recognize because of being seen, met, heard, etc. before
  •  15
  • Ease
    to move carefully and slowly
  •  20
  • Rumor
    a piece of information or a story passed from one person to another without any proof that it is true
  •  25
  • Gradually
    by small steps or degrees
  •  20
  • Stain
    a spot or colored mark
  •  15
  • Haunted
    inhabited or visited by ghosts
  •  25
  • Concentrate
    to direct your attention or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject, or problem
  •  10
  • Ooze
    to leak out slowly. Liquids, gases, and sounds may ooze
  •  15
  • Damp
    slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable
  •  20
  • Groan
    to make a deep, long sound showing great pain or unhappiness
  •  15
  • Sputter
    to say something in a series of quick explosive sounds, especially when you are shocked or angry
  •  15
  • Admirer
    someone who finds someone else attractive, or a person who has great appreciation for another person or thing
  •  20
  • Reinforcement
    extra personnel sent to increase the strength of an army or similar force; extra people to help with work
  •  15
  • Tease
    to make fun of or try to annoy in a playful or cruel way
  •  15
  • Polite
    showing good manners or being thoughtful of others
  •  25