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C3 Science mid-term revision

  •  English    52     Public
    revision for science Unit 1 Life Processes
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  • Life processes means...生命过程意味着
    How long someone lives.一个人的寿命有多长。
    Things done by the body to stay alive.身体为了维持生命所做的事情
    Things someone wants in their life.人们在生活中想要的东西。
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  • Which animal is the odd one out? 哪种动物最奇怪?
    Hippopotamus. 河马
    Pigeon. 鸽子
    Eagle. 鹰
    Parrot. 鹦鹉
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  • Which is the odd one out? 哪一个是奇怪的?
    Parrot. .鹦鹉
    Penguin. 企鹅
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  • Vertebrates have a backbone..脊椎动物有脊椎...
    on the inside of their bodies 在他们的身体内部
    they don't have a backbone. 他们没有脊梁骨。
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  • Invertebrates have..无脊椎动物有...
    a skeleton on the outside of their body. 身体外部的骨骼
    a skeleton on the inside of their body. 他们身体内部的骨骼。
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  • Invertebrates have...无脊椎动物有...
    no skeleton. 没有骨架。
    a skeleton on the inside of their body. 他们身体内部的骨骼。
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  • Name 2 animals that do not have skeletons. 说出 2 种没有骨骼的动物。
    own answer.自己的答案。
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  • Which animal group do humans belong to? 人类属于哪个动物类群?
    Reptiles. 爬行动物
    Amphibians. 两栖动物。
    Mammals. 哺乳动物。
    Fish. 鱼。
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  • What percentage of animals on earth are vertebrates? 地球上的动物中有多少百分比是脊椎动物?
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  • How can you tell if an animal is a mammal? 如何判断动物是否是哺乳动物?
    Babies are born live and drink their mother's milk.婴儿出生时是活的,
    They have smooth skin. 他们有光滑的皮肤。
    They use lungs to breathe. 他们用肺呼吸。
    It lays eggs 它产卵。
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  • What is a difference between reptiles and amphibians? 爬行动物和两栖动物有什么区别
    Reptiles lay their eggs on land. 爬行动物在陆地上产卵。
    Reptiles lay eggs. 爬行动物产卵。
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  • Which vertebrate group does a whale belong to? 鲸鱼属于哪个脊椎动物群?
    Amphibian. 两栖类。
    Mammals. 哺乳动物
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  • I live in sea. Have lungs not gills. I feed my young milk. Which group am I?我住在海里。 有肺没有鳃。 我给我的孩子喂牛奶。 我属于哪一组?我住在海里。 有肺没有鳃。 我给我的孩子喂牛奶。 我属于哪一组?
    mammals. 哺乳动物。
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  • I eat fish. Have lungs. Lay eggs. Have feathers. Which group am I? 我吃鱼。有肺。产卵。有羽毛。我是哪个群体?
    mammals. 哺乳动物
    birds. 鸟类
    amphibians. 两栖动物。
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  • I have wings and fur. I feed my young milk. Which group am I? 我有翅膀和皮毛。我喂我幼崽的乳汁。我是哪个群体?
    mammal. 哺乳动物。
    amphibian. 两栖动物。
    reptile. .爬行动物。
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  • What are the two main groups of the animal kingdom? 动物王国的两个主要类群是什么?
    mammals and reptiles. 哺乳动物和爬行动物
    vertebrates and invertebrates 脊椎动物和无脊椎动物
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