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10 Common British English Slang Words and Phrase ...

  •  English    10     Public
    Common British English Slang Words and Phrases- Daniel Felipe Nontoa Gómez - 7A
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  • I'm feeling a bik pekish .What's for dinner tonight
    DEFINITION: Slightly hungry
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  • You will like Henry. He's a really good bloke.
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  • I'm to knackered to go shopping after work.
    DEFINITION: Very tired
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  • Would you like to come in for a cuppa
    DEFINITION: A cup of tea
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  • It was just a fluke that I passed the exam
    DEFINITION: Something good that happens because of luck
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  • They've been best mates since they were children
    DEFINITION: A friend
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  • Don't buy a car fro him, he's a real dodgy character
    DEFINITION: Dishonest, or not to be trusted
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  • Stop being CHEEKY to your elders, Will you?
    DEFINITION: Rude or disrespectful, but often in a funny way
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  • You're coming to the party tonight, INNIT?
    DEFINITION: Used after a statement for emphasis, Instead of any question tag
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  • I bought a new phone and it cost me 600 QUID.
    DEFINITION: A pound in money
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