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W&W Mod 1 Vocabulary Review (lessons 1-8)

  •  English    14     Public
    Let's review some key vocabulary from lessons 1-8
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  • What does EXPLORE mean?
    to learn about something in detail, or learn about something by going to a place.
  •  15
  • What does IMMENSE mean?
    very big
  •  10
  • What does LUMINOUS mean?
    giving off light or glowing
  •  15
  • What doe DESPERATELY mean?
    to do something with a sense of extreme urgency, need, or despair
  •  20
  • What does VAST mean?
    very large in size or area
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  • What does PHOSPHORESCENT mean?
    To give off light or glow
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  • What does COLOSSAL mean?
    very big, giant, huge
  •  10
  • What does STANZA mean?
    a group of lines in a poem, similar to a paragraph
  •  15
  • What does LOOMED mean?
    to appear or come into view, often as a very large, dim or twisted shape
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  • What does NONFICTION mean?
    books, passages, or articles that are not fiction, or real.
  •  15
  • What does FICTION mean?
    books or writing that made up by an author, although they can be based or real life (including stories, poems, plays)
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  • What does OVERWHELMED mean?
    to be loaded or burdened with to much of something, unable to handle the load
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  • What does SPECK mean?
    a small piece of matter, spot,
  •  10
  • What does AKIN mean?
    a part of, or related to something
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