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    Questions about the invasion of the Moors and the Reconquista
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  • The Moors invaded the Iberian Peninsula in the...
    711 A.D. (8th Century)
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  • The Moors were in the Iberian Peninsula...
    from the 8th until the 15th Century
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  • What is the name given to the Iberian Peninsula by the Moors?
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  • What are Moors?
    People from the North of Africa and invaded Spain.
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  • Complete the sentence: The Moors defeated the ______ in the Iberian Peninsula.
    The Visigoths
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  • What are Muslims?
    People who follow the religion of Islam. Many Moors are Muslims.
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  • When was the beginning of the invasion by the Moors?
    711 A.D. When they won the Battle of Guadalete.
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  • When was THE END of la Reconquista?
    1492 A.D. Conquest of Granada
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  • Who stopped the Moors in North Spain in the Battle of Covadonga?
    Don Pelayo
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  • La Reconquista began in...
    722 A.D.
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  • La reconquista finished in...
    1492 A.D.
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  • What happened in 1094 A.D.?
    Don Rodrigo got Valencia
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  • What happened in 1212?
    The kingdoms of Aragon, Castilla, Navarra and Portugal unite to defeat the Moors.
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  • What happened in 1469?
    Fernando II de Aragón and Isabel I de Castilla marry and unite their kingdoms.
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  • What happened in 1492 A.D.?
    King Boabdil surrenders Granda to the Christians. It is the end of La Reconquita.
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  • How many years took the Moors to invade the Iberian Peninsula?
    11 years
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