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    simply the desire for colonies
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  • is simply the pursuit and desire for colonies;
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  • High standing; Status; respect earned by accomplishments
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  • An extreme form of Manifest Destiny,
    White man's Burden
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  • Rudyard Kipling's poem
    White man's burden
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  • High Tax on imports
    High Tariffs
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  • Gave local leaders some freedom and protection, but foreign power could intervene in the internal affairs of the country)
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  • What are 4 factors that drove American Imperialism?
    1. The need for new markets / raw materials 2. The desire for power and prestige. 3. The desire to expand the American way of life, political system. 4 Spread t
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  • American Isolationism
    refers to the United States' refusal to participate in foreign affairs or commerce
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  • In 1898, a conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the U.S. supported the Cubans' fight for independence; USA becomes Imperialistic after this war.
    Spanish American War
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  • Navy officer whose ideas on naval warfare and the importance of sea-power changed how America viewed its navy; wrote "The influence of Sea Power upon History"
    Alfred Thayer Mahan
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  • a group that opposed the treaty and the creation of an American colonial empire. People such as, Samuel Clemens, Jane Addams, Henry Ford
    Anti-Imperialist league
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  • USA first Imperialistic Conquest
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  • a constitution the king of Hawaii was forced to sign
    Bayonet Constitution
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  • Sister of the King; Wanted the country back. Nationalistic feelings
    Quenn Liliuokalani
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  • Naval base in Hawaii
    Pearl Harbor
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  • 50th State
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