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Past simple and past continuous - irregular verb ...

  •  English    26     Public
    Past simple and past continuous - irregular verbs
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • When the caterpillar came out of its' cocoon, it _______ a butterfly
  •  20
  • Last night my friend ____ to my house for dinner.
  •  20
  • I was ______ (drive) home when I realised I forgot my keys at school
  •  10
  • My dog ate my homework. But she cuddled up to me after, so I _______ (forgive) her.
  •  20
  • This huge bird just ____ (fly) straight past me
  •  25
  • I am so tired. I barely ____ (sleep) last night.
  •  25
  • What tense is this? "I was keeping the rest of my chocolate bar for later"
    Past continuous
  •  10
  • Choose from option 1 to 4, which word completes this sentence: "I could barely hear the movie, but I _____ the main storyline" 1) UNDERSTAND 2) UNDERSTOOD 3) UNDERSTANDED 4) WAS UNDERSTANDING
    2) Understood
  •  15
  • The past tense of 'cut' is 'cut'. TRUE OR FALSE?
    TRUE! e.g. "I cut hair" (infinitive) & "I cut my hair yesterday" (past simple)
  •  15
  • What is the past tense of "drink"?
  •  25
  • What is the past tense of "swim"?
  •  15
  • What is the past tense of "split"?
  •  20
  • What is the past tense of "mean"?
  •  20
  • The past tense of "ride" is "ride". TRUE or FALSE?
    FALSE! The past tense of "ride" is "rode"
  •  25
  • Today my teacher _____ (teach) me how to play guitar
  •  25
  • Complete the missing letters: "Last week I dr_w a picture of a tree and g_ve it to my mum. She thr_w it away, which upset me so I wr_te in my diary"
    e - a - e - o
  •  25