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  •  English    18     Public
    Present simple and Present continuous
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • George Ts .......................... (grin) at the moment.
    is grinning isn't grinning
  •  15
  • Spyros ................................(put) a spider in Chrysa's hair.
    is putting isn't putting
  •  15
  • Chrysa ......................... (hate) millipedes.
    hates doesn't hate
  •  15
  • Cathy ........................... (fight) with her brothers.
    fights doesn't fight
  •  15
  • Margaret ........................... (enjoy) studying.
    enjoys doesn't enjoy.
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  • Chrysoula ........................... (want) to pull Margaret's hair at the moment.
    wants doesn't want
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  • John ......................... (chat) with a girl at the moment.
    is chatting isn't chatting
  •  15
  • George B. ......................... (owe) Leo money.
    owes doesn't owe
  •  15
  • Leo ......................... (throw) pieces of paper at the moment.
    is throwing isn't throwing
  •  15
  • Anastasia ............................. (have) a headache every day.
    has doesn't have
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  • Nicole ........................ (fight) with Leo at the moment.
    is fighting isn't fighting
  •  15
  • Maria .................... (hate) playing with dolls.
    hate doesn't hate
  •  15
  • Kostas ....................... (drive) a tractor once a week.
    drives doesn't drive
  •  15
  • Theoni .................... (go) to parties every Saturday.
    goes doesn't go
  •  15
  • Chrysanthi ..................... (scream) at the moment.
    is screaming isn't screaming
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  • Myrto .................... (burn) her books at the end of every school year.
    burns doesn't burn
  •  15