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Ericaceae & Windy Woodies

  •  English    26     Public
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  • Ericaceae characteristics?
    Woody evergreen plants, alternate simple coriaceous leaves, inverted anthers with poricidal dehiscence (pollinator must shake flower)
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  • Within "windy woodies" there are: 2 orders, 3 families, and 6 genera , what are they?
    O: Fagales: Betulaceae (Alnus, Betula) & Fagaceae (Notholithocarpus, Quercus).... O: Malpighiales: Saliaceae (Populus, Salix)
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  • Ericaceae Floral formula?
    *, 5, 5 (connation), 10 (adnation), 5 (syncarpous)
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  • What are the two corolla types and which genus is the only one with one type?
    Urceolate & bell shaped corollas, Rhododendron is only required taxon with bell shaped flower
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  • What are the two corolla types and which genus is the only one with one type?
    Urceolate & bell shaped corollas, Rhododendron is only required taxon with bell shaped flower
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  • Habit, leaf size, ovary position, fruit type, and flower shape for Arbutus menziesii?
    Woody tree, large, superior, warted berry, urceolate corolla
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  • Habit, leaf size, ovary position, fruit type, and flower shape for Arctostapyhlos?
    Woody shrub, small to medium, superior, drupe, urceolate corolla
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  • Habit, leaf size, ovary position, fruit type, and flower shape for Gaultheria?
    Woody shrub, medium, superior, capsule (ecological berry), urceolate corolla
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  • Habit, leaf size, ovary position, fruit type, and flower shape for Rhododendron?
    Woody shrub, small to large, superior, capsule, bell shaped corolla
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  • Habit, leaf size, ovary position, fruit type, and flower shape for Vaccinium?
    Woody shrub, small, inferior, berry, urceolate corolla
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  • Family and species?
    Ericaceae, Arbutus menziesii (Madrone)
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  • Family and Genus?
    Ericaceae, Arctostapyhlos (Manzanita)
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  • Family and Genus?
    Ericaceae, Gaultheria (Salal)
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  • Family and Genus?
    Ericaceae, Rhododendron (Rhododendron/Azalea)
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  • Family and Genus?
    Ericaceae, Vaccinium (Huckleberry)
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  • Fagales Characteristics?
    Trees, alternate simple leaves, pinnate venation, unisexual flowers, catkin inflorescence
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