Game Preview

Functional Problem Solving

  •  English    14     Public
    Higher Level Problem Solving
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You have a school project due on Monday, but you also promised your friend you'd help them move on Sunday. How do you manage your time effectively to meet both commitments?
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  • You are planning a camping trip and need to figure out how to evenly distribute the food and supplies among the group. What's your strategy to ensure everyone has what they need?
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  • You have a soccer match on the same day as an important science fair presentation. How can you prepare and excel at both without feeling overwhelmed?
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  • Your school is organizing a talent show, and you're torn between participating and studying for an upcoming exam. How do you decide what to prioritize and manage your time effectively?
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  • You're in charge of organizing a community event but have limited volunteers. How do you assign tasks and make sure the event runs smoothly?
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  • You're leading a team project, and a team member is consistently not meeting deadlines. How do you address this issue and ensure the project stays on track?
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  • Your community is facing an environmental challenge, such as littering. How do you organize a group to raise awareness and involve others in finding a solution?
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  • You're a student council member and have received multiple complaints about cafeteria food quality. How would you approach addressing this concern and improving the situation?
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  • You're assigned a big project due in a week, but you also have after-school activities. How do you plan your time to finish the project and still enjoy your activities?
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  • Your friend is being bullied, and they're scared to talk to a teacher. What can you do to support your friend and help stop the bullying?
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  • You have a limited amount of pocket money, and you want to buy a new game. How can you budget and save your money to get the game?
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  • You're going on a camping trip and need to plan your meals for each day. How do you decide what food to bring and how to prepare it?
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  • You're part of a group project, and one team member isn't contributing. How can you talk to them and encourage them to participate?
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  • Your school is trying to reduce waste, and you have an idea for a recycling program. How would you present your idea to the school administration and get others involved?
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