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Mexico Site & Situation

  •  English    21     Public
    Changing Cities Emerging Country Example
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Define Site
    Features of the actual area (eg. soil type, relief- flat/hilly land, climate, water supply)-early settlements
  •  10
  • Define Situation
    Things close to the area (eg. is it near roads, factories, other settlements?)
  •  10
  • Name the lake that once existed where Mexico City lies.
    Lake Texcoco
  •  5
  • Name the historical group of people that founded Mexico city on an island in Lake Texcoco.
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  • What was built to link the lake to the west shores of the lake.
  •  5
  • 3 reasons why the Aztecs had the original site of Mexico was on a lake.
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  • The term to describe the creation of new land from oceans, seas, riverbeds or lake beds
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  • The term to describe rocks made from old rock fragments.
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  • The rock group of Mexico City that causes amplifying during an earthquake.
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  • The term to describe the ground shaking & continuing with serious effects.
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  • Why was there an influx in the population?
    Job seekers
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  • 2 reasons for water depletion
    Industrialisation and Population growth
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  • The term used to describe underground water storage
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  • How many well are there?
    4280 wells
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  • What percentage of the cities water comes from the 4280 sunken wells?
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  • The term to describe the ground sinking?
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