Game Preview

Idioms / interesting phrases game

  •  English    13     Public
    This game is about identifying the meaning of the idioms or interesting phrases
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • She is sleeping now. Simple sentence or Complex sentence or Compound Sentence?
    Simple sentence
  •  5
  • Matthew plays the ukulele, but he cannot sing well. Simple sentence or Complex sentence or Compound Sentence?
    Compound Sentnece
  •  5
  • The lightning stuck and our lights went out. Simple sentence or Complex Sentence or Compound Sentence?
    Compound Sentence
  •  5
  • They ate the apples. Simple sentence or Complex Sentence or Compound Sentence?
    Simple sentence
  •  5
  • If you need some advice, you can always give me a call. Simple sentence or Complex sentence or Compound Sentence?
    Complex sentence
  •  5
  • My father is now attending a Zoom meeting which started at 3.00 p.m. Simple sentence or Complex Sentence or Compound Sentence??
    Complex sentence
  •  5
  • marvellous - very __________ (nice) (big) (hungry)
  •  5
  • enermous - very ______ (tasty) (surprised) (big)
  •  5
  • starving - very ________ (tasty) (hungry) (angry)
  •  5
  • furious - very _________ (angry) (dirty) (big)
  •  5
  • astonished - very (nice) (surprised) (angry)
  •  5
  • driving me up the wall - very (angry) (sad) (fear)
  •  5
  • hilarious - very (tasty) (dirty) (funny)
  •  5