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Modal perfect

  •  English    20     Public
    Modal perfect
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Nobody knows exactly why he died. But we think it ... been an accident.
    should have
    might have
    can have
  •  15
  • I ... revised more for the exam. I was lazy, and now I'll fail!
    should have
    might have
    could have
  •  15
  • Sarah looked very happy. She ... passed her driving test
    can't have
    should have
    must have
  •  15
  • I didn't know you were going to Phil's party yesterday. You ... told me!
    must have
    should have
    can't have
  •  15
  • I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He ... taken the wrong train.
    can have
    must have
    should have
  •  15
  • I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He ... taken the correct train.
    mustn't have
    shouldn't have
    can't have
  •  15
  • You ... been ill yesterday. Jessie saw you at the bowling alley.
    couldn't have
    mustn't have
    may not have
  •  15
  • I don't know where they went but they ... gone to Paris or Marseille.
    could have
    must have
    can have
  •  15
  • You ... paid more attention. Now we are lost.
    must have
    ought to have
    can't have
  •  15
  • The window was broken, so the thieves ... got in through that window.
    may have
    must have
    should have
  •  15
  • I'm sorry but Mr. Banks isn't here. He _______ left.
    can't have
    must have
    should have
    might have
  •  20
  • We really enjoyed the movie. You _______ come with us.
    should have
    can't have
    must have
    might have
  •  20
  • They _______ bought a new house. They are both unemployed.
    can't have
    might not have
    could have
    mustn't have
  •  20
  • He studied nothing and passed the exam, so he ________ cheated.
    can have
    must have
    ought to have
    might have
  •  20
  • My car isn't there any more! It _______ stolen while I was shopping.
    mustn't have been
    might have been
    couldn't have been
    should have been
  •  20
  • You _______ broken up with her; she was perfect for you.
    couldn't have
    mustn't have
    might have
    shouldn't have
  •  20