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Map Skills Test

  •  English    16     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Is the arrow pointing to the North Pole or South Pole?
    North Pole
  •  10
  • A pair of numbers and/or letters that use a grid to identify a specific location is called....
  •  15
  • A measure of a location’s distance north or south of the equator is called ....
  •  15
  • The prime meridian is which type of line? 1) Line of longitude 2) Line of latitude
    Line of longitude
  •  10
  • The equator is which type of line.....1) Line of longitude 2) Line of latitude
    line of latitude
  •  10
  • The equator and the prime meridian each divide Earth into two halves called _______________.
  •  10
  • True or False: Lines of latitude and longitude can be used to identify the exact location of any place on the surface of Earth.
  •  10
  • Which one is the equator? A or B?
  •  5
  • Which one if the prime meridian? A or B?
  •  5
  • Look at the globes: Which globe shows lines of longitude?
    Globe B
  •  15
  • Look at the globes: Which globe shows lines of latitude?
    Globe A
  •  15
  • Which location is located at 30*N, 90*W? (Point A or B?)
    Point A
  •  25
  • Which location is located at 60*S, 0*? A, B, C, or D
  •  25
  • Which is the south pole? A or B
  •  25
  • An EXACT point on Earth’s surface expressed by a coordinate system such as latitude and longitude is called the ....
    absolute location
  •  15
  • Which vocabulary word is the following definition? A measure of a location’s distance east or west of the prime meridian is 1 longitude 2.latitude 3. absolute location 4. relative location
  •  20