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Articles of Confederation - The US Constitution

  •  English    22     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Why did it take 4 years for delegates from all 13 states to sign the Articles of Confederation?
    They were afraid of creating a government that gave the leader too much power.
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  • Articles of Confederation created a weak _______ government because it gave states a lot of power.
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  • The Articles set up a republican democracy where citizens elect people that....
    represent them
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  • How did Americans see the states under the Articles?
    The states were independent and worked together only when necessary.
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  • Under the Articles of Confederation, could the government declare war?
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  • Under the Articles, there was no ________ in charge of the central government.
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  • One weakness of the the Articles: Could not establish a national _________ without the permission of the states.
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  • One weakness of the the Articles: Could not __________. This meant the government could not pay soldiers or pay war debts.
    levy taxes (take property for unpaid taxes)
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  • One weakness of the the Articles: Government could not regulate trade. What did this mean for states?
    States could put tariffs (taxes) on one another.
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  • One weakness of the the Articles: Only one branch of government. Which one?
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  • One weakness of the the Articles: Congress could make laws but not make states do what?
    comply (agree to follow/enforce)
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  • One weakness of the the Articles: Each state had its own ___________.
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  • True or False: The U.S. economy got worse under the Articles of Confederation.
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  • What was the meeting of the delegates to revise the Articles of Confederation called?
    Constitutional Convention
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  • After the delegates threw out the Articles, what did they create?
    the US Constitution
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  • Under the U.S. Constitution it describes how __________ is divided.
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