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Church History 100-500 AD

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    Church History 100-500 AD
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  • In what year did Emperor Decius begin persecuting Christians?
    250 AD
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  • In what year did Emperor Nero begin persecuting Christians?
    64 AD
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  • Which church council allowed for Christians who renounced their faith during persecutions to come back to the church?
    Council of Carthage
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  • Which Roman emperor began a persecution of Christians and destroyed churches in 303 AD?
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  • From which Church council did we get the Nicene Creed?
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  • Which Roman emperor issued the Edict of Milan, which legalized Christianity?
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  • In which year did Constantine divide the Roman Empire into East and West?
    330 AD
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  • What city was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire?
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  • What city was the capital of the Western Roman Empire?
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  • True/False: Constantinople is now modern day Istanbul.
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  • The first of three St. Peter's Basilicas began construction in Rome in what year?
    330 AD
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  • True/False: The councils of Nicaea and Trent established which books would be included in the Bible.
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  • Which people sacked Rome in 410 AD?
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  • Which council established Mary as the Θεοτόκος (Theotokos)?
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  • What does the Latin-English translation of Dei Genitrix?
    Source of God
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  • Which council determined the term "hypostatic union" of Jesus as both man and God in 451 AD?
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