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  •  English    16     Public
    Christianity- Belief in the Son of God
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • In the feeding of the 5000, to which disciple did Jesus say, "Where shall we buy bread?" A) James B) Philip C) John D) Andrew
    B) Philip
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  • What did the disciples think when they saw him walk on water towards them? They thought... A) He was an illusion B) He must be the Son of God C) He was a ghost D) He must be a magician
    C) He was a ghost
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  • When he made the fig tree wither, Jesus was trying to teach His disciples a lesson on ___________________ A) obeying the law B) resisting the devil C) having faith D) being religious
    C) having faith
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  • In which town did Jesus raise the widow's dead son to life? A) Nain B) Cana C) Gadara D) Bethany
    A) Nain
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  • How many lepers came to ask Jesus for healing? A) 1 B) 5 C) 12 D) 10
    D) 10
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  • When Jesus asked the demon-possessed man in Gerasenes what his name was, what did he answer? A) Satan B) Legion C) Beelzebul D) the Devil
    B) Legion
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  • Jesus explained that Lazarus had to die. What was the reason. A) It was to reveal the glory of God B) It was to teach the sisters about faith C) It was to test his disciples' faith D) He just didn't have time to heal him
    A) It was to reveal the glory of God
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  • Who was in the room when Jesus raise Jairus' daughter? A) His disciples B) The girl's parents C) 3 disciples and the girl's parents D) the mourners and the parents
    C) 3 disciples and the girl's parents
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  • Who was Jairus, whose daughter Jesus raised to life? A) A centurion B) A synagogue leader C) A Roman soldier D) A Jewish priest
    B) A synagogue leader
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  • The Roman centurion asked Jesus to heal his ________. A) son B) daughter C) wife D) servant
    D) servant
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  • At which event did Jesus perform his first miracle? A) at a wedding B) at the prayer service in the temple C) a widow's son's funeral D) At his baptism
    A) At a wedding
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  • Jesus healed the paralysed man who wanted to get into the pool at Bethseda. How long had the man been disabled? A) 38 years B) 28 years C) 18 years D) 8 years
    A) 38 years
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  • What can we learn from blind Bartimaeus? All EXCEPT... A) Be persistent B) Be quiet and pray C) Call on Jesus' mercy D) Be humble
    B) be quiet and pray
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  • There was a storm but Jesus was asleep. The disciples woke him saying.. A) Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing B) Lord save us from this storm. C) Lord have pity. We are afraid. D) Teacher please take care of this storm.
    A) Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing
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  • After Jesus calms the storm he says to the disciples.. A) Why are you afraid? B) Why are you terrified? O you of little faith? C) Why can't you have faith? D) Why are you afraid? Don't you know who I am?
    B) Why are you terrified? O you of little faith?
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  • When Jesus healed the royal official's son, he was in Galilee. Where was the man's son? A) Cana in Galilee B) Bethany C) Capernaum D) Nain
    C) Capernaum
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