Game Preview

Imagining the Future

  •  English    21     Public
    Using the prompts on the card, students will imagine what the future will be like. (If students cannot draw, describe instead.)
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What will computers be able to do?
    Did you use your imagination?
  •  15
  • How different will cars be in the future?
    Show us!
  •  25
  • How will people dress in the future?
    Show us!
  •  25
  • What will Indiana, PA look like in the future?
    Did you describe it?
  •  15
  • What will school be like?
    Tell us!
  •  15
  • Will we still use airplanes?
    Give us your best guess!
  •  10
  • Will there still be stores or will we order everything online?
    Use your imagination!
  •  10
  • What holidays will be celebrated?
    Did you guess?
  •  15
  • What will an IPhone look like?
    Let us see!
  •  25
  • What kind of pets will we have?
    Were you creative?
  •  15
  • How will houses look like in the future?
    Show everyone!
  •  25
  • What will the most popular app be?
    Did you use your imagination?
  •  15
  • Will "everyday people" be able to go into space?
    It's your best guess!
  •  10
  • What kinds of jobs will we have?
    Did you use your best guess?
  •  15
  • What will robots do?
    What does it look like?
  •  25
  • Who will be the best musician?
    Was it your best guess?
  •  20