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OW6 Unit 1 Grammar 1

  •  English    20     Public
    Present perfect with for/since
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Skiing equipment has been on sale (for / since) last summer.
  •  15
  • They've played football (for / since) five years.
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  • Has he done kitesurfing (for / since) more than a year?
  •  15
  • Motocross has interested me (for / since) I was ten.
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  • She has had a few injuries (for / since) she started skiing.
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  • Have you done extreme sports (for / since) you were a child?
  •  15
  • She _____________ (study) English (for / since) two years.
    has studied ; for
  •  25
  • They __________ (be) at the park (for / since) 3 o'clock.
    have been ; since
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  • I __________(know) how to ride a bike (for / since) I was three.
    have known ; since
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  • They stopped doing extreme sports. They ____________ (not do) kitesurfing (for / since) last July.
    haven't done ; since
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  • He ____________( not have) a skiing injury (for / since) several years.
    hasn't had; for
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  • Answer this question using for or since: How long have you lived in your house?
    Example answers: I have lived in my house since I was born. I have lived in my house for 2 years.
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  • Answer this question using for or since: How long have you known your teacher?
    Example answers: I have known my teacher since September. I have known my teacher for 1 month.
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  • Answer this question using for or since: What sport do you do? How long have you done it?
    Example answers: I have played basketball since I was 7. I have played basketball for 4 years.
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  • If you measure something up and down, you're measuring the (height / length).
  •  10
  • When you turn your body over in the air, you're doing a (flip / land).
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