Game Preview


  •  English    21     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Я вмiю плавати, але я не вмiю ниряти.
    I can swim, but I can't dive.
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  • Барбара вмiє грати ролi, але вона не вмiє лазити по деревам.
    Barbara can act, but she can't  climb the trees.
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  • Ми вмiємо малювати олiвцями, але ми не вмiємо писати iсторiї
    We can draw, but we can't  write stories.
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  • Джон вмiє малювати фарбами, але вiн не вмiє грати на гитарi.
    John can paint, but he can't  play the guitar.
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  • Моя сестра вмiє бiгати швидко, але вона на вмiє кататися на коньках.
    My sister can dance, but she can't ice skate.
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  • Ти вмiєш кататися на скейтбордi? - Так.
    Can you skateboard? - Yes, I can.
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  • Чи ти та твої друзi вмiєте говорити англiйською? - Так.
    Can you and your friends speak English? - Yes, we can.
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  • Твiй тато вмiє розмовляти французькою? - Нi.
    Can your dad speak French? - No, he can't .
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  • Чи вмiє твiй брат грати на пiанiно?  - Нi.
    Can your brother play the piano? - No, he can't.
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  • Вмiють його сестри грати в тенiс? - Так.
    Can his sisters play tennis? - Yes, they can.
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  • Чи вмiє вiн їздити на конi? - Hi
    Can he ride a horse? - No, he can't.
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  • What can he do?
    He can sing
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  • Make a negative sentence.
    She can't play the guitar and sing.
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  • Make a positive sentence.
    They can act.
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  • Can they play chess? What can they play?
    No, they can't . They can play table tennis.
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  • Can these dogs surf?
    Yes, they can.
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