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10 Most Common Idioms

  •  English    10     Public
    American Idioms - Quiz to YouTube Video
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  • Break a Leg
    Needs Crutches STAT
    Bad Luck
    Good Luck
    Broken Tibia
  •  15
  • Spill the Beans
    I am hungry
    To tell secret information
    Clean it up
    He made a mess
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  • Under the Weather
    Not feeling well
    Look at the weather app
    I need an umbrella
    It's cold outside
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  • Call it a Day
    It was a bad day
    Decided you are finished doing something
    A case of the Mondays
    It was a good day
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  • See Eye to Eye
    Itchy eyes
    She has pink eye
    To agree with each other
    Staring in each others eyes
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  • Piece of Cake
    a small slice of white cake
    So easy
    Wedding cake
    a big slice of chocolate cake
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  • The Last Straw
    The latest problem makes the situation impossible to accept
    There are no straws left
    I need a straw
    Straws are bad for the environment
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  • Cost an arm and a leg
    He broke both his arm and his leg
    Super expensive
    It is cheap
    She needs a cast
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  • When pigs fly
    Pigs that have wings
    Pigs shot out into space
    A type of bacon
    Something that will never happen
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  • Hit the Sack
    a paint ball game
    A karate move
    Hit a punching bag
    Going to bed
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