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    Maya review game
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  • Where is Mesoamerica?
    The historic region of central and southern Mexico and northern Central America
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  • What years did the Maya flourish?
    between 200 and 900 CE
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  • What is an archaeologist?
    an expert in the study of ancient people and the objects from their time.
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  • What is a city-state?
    A city with its own independent government
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  • What is a civilization?
    a society or group of people with similar or the same religions, customs, language and government.
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  • What is a temple?
    a building with religious use or meaning
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  • What is a hieroglyph?
    a picture or symbol representing an idea, an object, a syllable or a sound
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  • What is pok-ta-pok?
    A mayan ball game where athletes hit a rubber ball through a hole
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  • What is sacrifice?
    To give or kill something for a religious purpose
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  • What is astronomy?
    astronomy is the study of stars, planets and other things in outer space
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  • What is leap year?
    A year that has 366 days. It occurs once every four years
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  • What is equinox?
    A day that happens twice a year, where daytime and nighttime are about the same length
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  • What was the Mayan people's main crop?
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  • When do archaeologists believe the Maya left their cities?
    Between 800 and 900 CE
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  • How old are Mayan children when they perform an initiation ceremony with a priest?
    14 years old
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  • What were marriages like for the Maya?
    arranged marriages. Like business deals between families
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