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Exam 1 Review Fall 2023

  •  English    54     Public
    Foundations of Nursing
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Microorganisms that cause disease.
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  • Streptococcus (strep throat) is caused by this type of pathogen.
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  • MRSA, VRE, MDR-TB are ___________________ bacteria.
    antibiotic resistant
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  • Herpes, Hepatitis B, and AIDS are caused by this type of pathogen.
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  • Solutions applied directly to the skin that prevent or inhibit the growth of pathogens.
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  • Strong chemicals used to destroy pathogens on objects, not skin.
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  • Complete removal of pathogens. The most effective way to destroy all microorganisms and their spores.
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  • This trains the immune system to recognize and combat pathogens and removes the susceptibility of the host.
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  • How pathogens move. (4th link in chain of infection)
    mode of transmission
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  • Someone who is capable of being infected. (6th link in chain of infection)
    susceptible host
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  • 5 common signs and symptoms of a local infection.
    redness, swelling, tenderness, warmth, drainage
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  • An infection acquired in a healthcare facility that is unrelated to the patient's illness.
    HAI or nosocomial infection
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  • Medical asepsis is referred to as the " _______________ technique".
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  • ______________ asepsis is referred to as the " sterile technique". It considers everything not sterile as contaminated.
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  • The MOST important practice for aseptic technique.
    hand hygiene
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  • In order to minimize the spread of diseases, the CDC recommends this approach to infection control: treat all human blood and certain human body fluids as if they were known to be infectious.
    standard precautions
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