Game Preview

rules and procedures

  •  English    41     Public
    rules procedure classroom
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • When should I be in my desk?
    never before noon
    6 am
    late and after the bell rings
    on time when the bells ring
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  • T or F: I should enter the classroom calm and polite fashion
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  • I should always enter the classroom ______ and in _______ fashion.
    quickly and nervously
    calm and polite
    rushed and rude
    agitated and mean spirited
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  • What should I look at when I enter the classroom?
    in a mirror
    at the board for instructions for the day
    nowhere but keep eyes closed
    in my classmates agenda
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  • At the end of class what should I do?
    stand on top of my desk
    at the door
    leave a mess and run out of the room
    clean up and wait by desk to be released
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  • If I am in the hall way waiting, how should I wait?
    standing against wall and be loud
    stand at door looking through window
    running up and down the wall
    quietly against the wall
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  • If I am absent, what should I do about missed work?
    skip it
    get another student to do my homework
    nothing, don;'t worry about it
    get it from google classroom or from Ms Hauser
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  • Who should I communicate with about missed handouts, work, or assesments?
    Ms Hauser
    My Nintendo Switch
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  • T or F: I should always be proactive when it comes to homework and projects?
    True: Don't wait but communicate and ask the teacher
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  • When geting into groups, I should always_________
    listen carefully and follow instructions
    all of these
    always include everyone in group
    focus and complete task efficiently
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  • In class, I am expected to _________ on lessons.
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  • In class, I am expected to not be ___________ by talking while others talk.
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  • In class, I am expected to _______ my hand and _______ to be called on by teacher.
    raise, wait
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  • I should _________ carefully and ________ Ms. Hauser's instructions.
    not listen, not follow
    listen, follow
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  • What language should I speak during English classroom lessons?
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  • Which are some rewards for good classroom behavior?
    I can run in the halls screaming
    time to play Nintendo switch
    free time at the end of class and seating prefernce
    No homework for a month
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