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EDUC2102 PASS Week 8

  •  English    15     Public
    Educational Psychology - covering content from weeks 1 - 8
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is metacognition? (Week 7)
    Thinking about thinking - awareness, monitoring and control over thinking and learning.
  •  15
  • Define 'cognition'. (Week 7)
    The process of thinking/understanding/processing information.
  •  15
  • What do we call motivation that comes from within the learner? (Week 8)
  •  15
  • What is the over-justification effect? (Week 8)
    When expected external incentives (like money, prizes, etc) decreases a person's intrinsic motivation to do a task.
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  • What is 'attribution'? (week 8)
    Explanation of cause - why something happened.
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  • What is the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)? (Week 2)
    The 'gap' between what a student already knows and what is out of reach. What the learner can do with help.
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  • Name one level of Bloom's Taxonomy. (Week 1)
    Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyse, Evaluate, Create.
  •  15
  • Name a primary emotion. (Week 3).
    Happiness, sadness, anger, etc.
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  • Name a secondary emotion. (Week 3)
    Jealousy, envy, shame, pride, etc.
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  • What is selective attention, or the 'cocktail party' effect? (Week 4)
    Our brain's ability to focus in on one conversation while cancelling out background noise/conversations.
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  • What is Working Memory? (Week 4)
    The part we are 'doing something with'. Short term memory.
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  • Define Intrinsic cognitive load. (Week 5).
    The inherent difficulty of the information.
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  • What is the difference between surface and deep learning? (Week 6)
    Surface learning = memorising information without real understanding. Deep = a holistic, contextual understanding of the concept.
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  • In relation to Intrinsic Cognitive Load, what is Element Interactivity? (Week 5)
    The extent to which elements of the material relate to each other. (eg, a list of chemical symbols = low interactivity)
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  • Give an example of primary knowledge. (Week 5)
    Knowledge we are biologically designed to acquire - eg learning language, recognising faces.
  •  15