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Expressions with 'word'

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  •  English    50     Public
    Life2 9c Wordfocus
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  • With everyone talking so much, I could hardly _____ during the meeting.
    get a word in edgewise [To find a chance to speak in a conversation where others are dominating the discussion.]
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  • She _____ for her colleague when the boss was considering promotions.
    put in a good word [To speak positively about someone to influence an opinion or decision in their favor.]
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  • Instead of describing the scenery, he showed a photo and said, "_____"
    A picture is worth a thousand words. [Visual information can convey a complex idea more effectively than a verbal description.]
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  • He always _____; if he says he'll do something, you can count on him to follow through.
    keeps his word [To fulfill a promise or commitment that you've made.]
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  • The headline of the newspaper article was _____ that caught the readers' attention.
    a play on words [A clever use of words, often involving a pun or double entendre.]
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  • She accused him of _____ when he misrepresented her views during the argument.
    putting words in her mouth [To attribute statements or opinions to someone that they didn't actually say.]
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  • She didn't say she was angry, but _____, she made it clear that she was displeased with the decision.
    in so many words [To express something directly or clearly, without beating around the bush.]
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  • The teacher wanted to _____ about his recent behavior in class.
    have a word with the student [To speak to someone, often to discuss a specific matter or issue.]
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  • The restaurant became popular through _____ as satisfied customers recommended it to their friends.
    word of mouth [Information or recommendations passed from person to person through verbal communication.]
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  • He's _____, but his actions speak volumes about his dedication to his work.
    a man of few words [Someone who doesn't speak much, usually because they are quiet or reserved.]
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  • The project encountered difficulties _____, making it a challenging endeavor from the outset.
    from the word go [From the very beginning or starting point.]
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  • Even though they disagreed, she insisted on _____ in the debate.
    having the last word [To have the final say in a discussion or argument.]
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  • He confidently predicted the team's failure, but when they won, he had to _____.
    eat his words [To retract something you've said because it was proven to be false or mistaken.]
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  • The unexpected proposal left her completely _____.
    lost for words [Being so surprised or shocked that you can't find the right words to express yourself.]
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  • He gave his _____ that he would never reveal their secret.
    word of honor [A promise or commitment made with utmost sincerity and integrity.]
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  • With all the arguing going on, I couldn't get a _____.
    word in edgewise [A chance to speak briefly in a conversation dominated by others.]
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