Game Preview

Grade 8 Review time!

  •  English    14     Public
    Wellbeing Review
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • True or False: Wellbeing is a skill
  •  10
  • What is amygdala?
    region of the brain primarily associated with emotional processes
  •  25
  • What is sleep deprived?
    not enough sleep
  •  20
  • What happens in Rapid Eye Movement (REM) during sleep?
    sleep plays an important role in dreaming, memory, emotional processing, and healthy brain development
  •  25
  • Give 1 advice to have better sleep
  •  15
  • Food to avoid before bedtime
    sweets, caffeine, heavy meal
  •  20
  • How many hours do we have to stop using gadgets before bedtime?
    30 minutes to 1 hour
  •  20
  • What is resilience?
    the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties
  •  20
  • What is a setback?
    an event that delays your progress or reverses some of the progress that you have made
  •  20
  • What is growth mindset?
    a belief that you can develop your skills and talents through hard work, the right strategies, and guidance from others.
  •  25
  • What is a challenge?
    a new or difficult task that tests somebody's ability and skill
  •  20
  • What is adversity?
    a difficult or unlucky situation
  •  15
  • Give 1 advice to handle setbacks
  •  15
  • Give 1 advice to handle setbacks
  •  15