Game Preview

Grade 6 Wellbeing Review:

  •  English    14     Public
    Review for the previous lessons
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is goal setting?
    Setting things you want to achieve in the future
  •  15
  • True or False: We cannot practice wellbeing.
  •  10
  • What is hygiene?
    things we do to keep healthy
  •  15
  • What is routine?
    a series of activities you do regularly in a set order
  •  15
  • Give 2 activities for a good sleep hygiene
  •  20
  • Why is it important to stick to a good sleep hygiene routine?
  •  25
  • How many hours no gadgets (phones. laptops, tablets) before bedtime?
    1 hour
  •  20
  • Food we need to avoid at night to have better sleep routine.
    sweets, caffeine, heavy dinner
  •  20
  • 1 advice you can give to people who can't sleep
  •  25
  • Give 1 benefits of healthy diet
    Better immune system, Can sleep better,Better mood, Better wellbeing
  •  20
  • Give one common illness in Vietnam for having bad diet or bad food preparation
    Diarrhea (tiêu chảy) Worms (giun), Hepatitis A (viêm gan A), Food poisoning (ngộ độc thứ ăn)
  •  25
  • We can get worm/ giun illness when we _____________
    food are not cooked well
  •  25
  • What makes up a healthy diet?
  •  25
  • Why is healthy diet important for wellbeing
  •  25