Game Preview

Business Transformations

  •  English    18     Public
    Choose the correct option
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • She’s raising two kids, holding down a full-time job, and trying to maintain some (semblance/sameness/similarity) of a personal life.
  •  25
  • Small firms tend to be the ones without (continuancy/contingency/competency) plans.
  •  20
  • Other (back/cue/core) competencies of the company are facility, service and account management.
  •  15
  • Riskline is a privately-owned consulting firm that provides guidance to mitigate travel risk (exposure/experience/exercise).
  •  15
  • It is especially unwilling to (incure/occur/recur) such risks for the sake of a product for which it knows there is little, if any, real demand.
  •  20
  • We need to (allow/locate/allocate) resources much more efficiently to remain competitive.
  •  25
  • Typically, sales (trail/track/train) off as consumers wait for the new model to launch.
  •  15
  • He felt utterly (desperate/daunted/drawn) by the prospect of moving to another country.
  •  25
  • The emergency aid programme has now been scaled (back/on/off).
  •  15
  • Explain the meaning of "a stark choice" and make a sentence.
    an obvious choice
  •  15
  • Explain the meaning of "be on a knife edge" and make a sentence.
    be in a worrying situation
  •  20
  • Explain the meaning of "semblance of normality" and make a sentence.
    the expected level of an order
  •  25
  • Explain the meaning of "hardest-hit sector" and make a sentence.
    the worst affected zone
  •  25
  • Explain the meaning of "scale back" and make a sentence.
    produce smaller amount
  •  15
  • Explain the meaning of "be a gamble" and make a sentence.
    take a risk
  •  10
  • Explain the meaning of "be the case" and make a sentence.
  •  10