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History 46 Alfred the Great and England

  •  English    10     Public
    Week 46 (High & Late Middle Ages Week 1) History for ESL students.
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  • Tell us three things about the Early Middle Ages.
    Wow, you really know your stuff! / Sorry, we were looking for...
  •  10
  • What three parts do historians typically divide the Middle Ages into? Roughly what years correspond to each?
    Early (476-1000), High (1000-1300), Late (1300-1453).
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  • In what ways were Charlemagne and Alfred the Great similar? Name two, or name one and explain in detail.
    Renaissance, Christianity, united kingdom, respected kings, "fathers" of future nations, etc.
  •  15
  • What do these maps show? Explain.
    The Heptarchy fought amongst themselves until only four kingdoms remained prior to the invasion of the Great Heathen Army.
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  • What happened at Lindisfarne? When? Why was it significant?
    Viking raid on an English monastery; AD 793; beginning of the "Viking Age", Vikings became aware of what Great Britain had to offer them.
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  • What was the Witan? How did succession work in medieval England?
    Council of noble elders; successor chosen by Witan from among royal family.
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  • What was the Great Heathen Army? Tell us two things about it.
    Army of Scandinavian warriors invaded England AD 865; not raiders: wanted to conquer the 4 Anglo-Saxons kingdoms; landed East Anglia; Guthrum, etc.
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  • What was the Danelaw?
    Anglo-Saxon lands conquered and rule over by Scandinavian warriors.
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  • What was the Burh System?
    Fortified cities+towns with strong wooden walls so everyone in Alfred's kingdom had a position they could quickly retreat into and fight the Vikings/invaders.
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  • Who's this? Where do we get our historical information about him?
    King Alfred "the Great"; the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
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