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    Knowledge about yoga
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  • What is this asana called?
    Peacock Pose (Mayurasana)
  •  20
  • How many Chakras are there? Name all of them in English/Vietnamese or in Sanskrit :D or both
    1) Root Chakra 2) Sacral Chakra 3) Solar plexus 4) Heart 5) Throat 6) 3rd Eye 7) Crown/ Sahasrara
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  • What is this asana called?
    Tree Pose/Vrksasana
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  • What is s this pose called?
    Downward facing Dog/Adho Mukha Svanasana
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  • What is this asana called?
    Handstand/Downward Facing Tree/Adho Muka Vrksasana
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  • What does the word Bija mean? Name one of them the most powerful
    seed mantras /one syllable/singular words with massive potency and power OM
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  • What is pranayama? Can you name and teach us one??? :)
    Prana- life force Yama- control Breathing techniques which helps us to control the breath and nourish our body
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  • Translate from Sanskrit: Surya/Chandra/Eka. Can you name any and show us any poses with this words?? :D
    Surya- SUN Chandra- MOON Eka- ONE
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  • Name 3 Gunas
    Rajas(controlling, extroverted mind, active) Satva (calm mind, positive, balance ) Tamas (dull mind, negative)
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  • name 3 Doshas and their elements
    Vata (Air Either) Pitta (Fire & Water) Kapha (Water, Earth)
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  • How many Vertebras are in each part of your spine? 1)Lumbar 2)Thoracic 3)Cervical
    1)Lumbar 5 2)Thoracic 12 3)Cervical 7
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  • List one pose which will explore flexion movement for your spine
    Flexion is a movement that brings the spine down and forward towards the legs, and typically stretches the posterior chain. Uttanasana or Paschimottanasana
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  • List one pose which will explore extension movement for your spine
    Urdhva Hastasana , Ustrasana , Setu Bandhasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana Spinal extension is a movement that lengthens the spine upwards and backwards
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  • List one pose which will explore Rotation movement for your spine
    Parivrtta Utkatasana, Parivrtta Trikonasana , Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes), Bharadvajasana: is a movement that revolves or twists the spine.
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  • List one pose which will explore Lateral Flexion movement for your spine
    Standing Crescent pose, Parighasana (Gate pose), Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana (Revolved Head-to-Knee pose).
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  • Name 5 Koshas.
    ANNAMAYA: food body/phys PRANAMAYA: breath/ MANOMAYA: mental/lower mind VIJNAMAYA: wisdom/higher mind ANANDAMAYA; blissbody/connect to universe
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