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Chapter 18 & 19

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    Chapter 18 & 19
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Who did the prophet travel with from Mecca to Madina?
    Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A)
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  • Where was the original Qiblah facing towards?
    Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem
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  • Who called the first Adhan?
    Bilal (R.A)
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  • How many stages were there to banning alcohol?
  •  10
  • Where did the Prophet stay until his house was built?
    At Abu Ayyub al-Ansari's house
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  • How long did the Prophet stay with Abu Ayyub al-Ansari's house?
    6 months
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  • What important principles of Islam became obligatory within the second year of the great migration?
    Fasting, Zakah, Sadaqah al-Fitr, Qurban Sacrifice and Eid prayers
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  • Was there an Agreement of Citizenship between Muslims, the idol worshippers and the Jewish tribes?
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  • When did Battle of Badr take place?
    After permission was given to Muslims to defend themselves.
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  • What was the migration from Mecca to Madina called?
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  • Who were the Muhajirun?
    Immigrants from Mecca
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  • Who were the Ansars?
    Muslims living in Medina who helped the Muhajiruns by welcoming them in there homes and sharing their belongings with them.
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  • When did the Battle of Badr took place?
    13 March 624 AD
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  • When did the Battle of Uhud happen?
    23 March 625 AD
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