Game Preview

Social issues

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  •  English    24     Public
    identify problems and corresponding logical solutions within social stories, using visual and auditory cues.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Emily is at a party with friends. Some of her friends start passing around a cigarette and offer her one. Emily doesn't smoke and knows it's not good for her.
    Emily can politely decline and say, "No, thank you, I don't smoke".
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  • John has a big project due at the end of the week, but he hasn't started yet. He's worried about finishing it on time.
    John can break the project into smaller tasks and create a study schedule to work on it each day.
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  • Maria and her friends are planning a movie night. They decide on a movie without asking Maria's opinion, and she doesn't like that movie.
    Maria can express her feelings and suggest a different movie to watch. Maria can compromise and suggest taking turns picking movies for future movie nights.
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  • Alex is involved in sports, music, and part-time work. He's finding it hard to manage everything and feels overwhelmed.
    Alex can create a weekly schedule that allocates time for each activity and ensures he has time for relaxation.
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  • Sophia is part of a group project. One team member isn't contributing, and the project's quality is suffering.
    Sophia can discuss the issue with the teacher to explore potential solutions within the group or receive guidance.
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  • Emma recently transferred to a new school and is struggling to make friends. She feels isolated and uncertain.
    Emma can join clubs or extracurricular activities that interest her, allowing her to meet people who share similar interests.
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  • Jasmine and her classmates are discussing a controversial topic. Jasmine disagrees with a classmate's viewpoint and wants to express her opinion respectfully.
    Jasmine can acknowledge the classmate's perspective and then calmly express her own viewpoint.
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  • Ryan loves spending time with friends, but he's finding it difficult to focus on studying because he's always socializing.
    Ryan can set specific study periods and use them to concentrate on his schoolwork.
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  • Michael notices a classmate being bullied by a group of students. He wants to help without making the situation worse.
    Michael can report the bullying to a teacher or counselor who can address the issue and provide assistance.
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  • Chris and his sibling have different opinions about a family vacation destination. They're having trouble agreeing on where to go.
    Chris and his sibling can take turns picking vacation spots for different years to ensure everyone gets a say.
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  • Mark wants to improve his overall health but struggles with making healthy food choices and staying active.
    Mark can set small, achievable goals like adding more fruits and vegetables to his meals and going for a walk each day.
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  • Alex is noticing a lot of litter in his neighborhood park. He wants to take action to help keep the park clean.
    Alex can organize a community clean-up event to gather neighbors and friends to pick up litter in the park.
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  • Daniel's parents expect him to contribute more to household chores. He's unsure how to discuss his concerns without upsetting them.
    Daniel can propose a family meeting to openly discuss expectations and responsibilities, allowing everyone to share their thoughts.
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  • Aisha's friend is going through a tough time and needs emotional support. Aisha wants to be there for her friend.
    Aisha can reach out to her friend and offer a listening ear, allowing her friend to share feelings and concerns.
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  • Lily and her friends have diverse hobbies, and they're struggling to find activities they all enjoy together.
    Lily and her friends can take turns choosing activities, allowing each person to explore their interests.
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  • Jordan received a negative comment on a post and wants to handle it in a constructive manner.
    Jordan can respond politely, thanking the commenter for their perspective and maintaining a positive tone.
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