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UI1 Lesson 4 - Vocabulary

  •  English    14     Public
    Expressing surprise
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  • Choose a preposition: What are you for / up to later?
    UP = be up to something
  •  15
  • You've gota a lovely figure / fixture. (choose one word)
  •  5
  • Choose one word: It took me some time to get my breath / breathe back.
  •  15
  • Choose a word: It's a master / faster class with top Russian fencer.
  •  25
  • choose one word: I'm going to visit the flee / flea market.
  •  20
  • Choose one word: All I want is to have a lie / lye in.
    lie in
  •  20
  • TRUE or FALSE? "Fair enough" - this expression is not right.
  •  20
  • Choose one preposition: She took up / out tennis at the age of 11. = she started something
    took up
  •  20
  • Choose a preposition - I love to fiddle on / with my hair.
    fiddle with
  •  5
  • Choose one preposition: Isn't it just full off / of people this train?
    full of
  •  10
  • Choose a word: I'm really into / about tree shaping.
    into - be into something = be interested in
  •  15
  • Choose a word: I am interested in / on crocheting.
    interested in
  •  20
  • choose a preposition: I've never heard off / of beetle fighting.
    heard of
  •  5
  • Choose a word: It's a stone cheap / skipping competition.
    stone skipping
  •  20