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Geography Vocabulary Part 1 Review 4th Grade

  •  English    13     Public
    Geography Vocabulary Part 1 Review 4th Grade
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  • Name all 4 of the Cardinal Directions?
    North, East, South, and West
  •  20
  • The directions between the cardinal directions are called what?
    Intermediate Directions
    Cardinal Directions
  •  15
  • Is "Go to the school down the road and then turn left to get to the firestation" realtative or absoulte direction
    Absoulte Direction
    Realtative Direction
  •  15
  • Addresses and coordinates are examples of what?
    Relative Directions
    Absoulte Directions
  •  15
  • Name the 4 Intermediate Directions
    Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Southeast
  •  15
  • What direction do compasses always point to?
  •  15
  • When writing coordinates does the numer or letter go first?
    letter than number
  •  15
  • What do you put inbetween the letter and number in coordinates?
    A comma
  •  15
  • The lines going up and down on a grid, horizontal and vertical, are called what?
    longitude and latitude lines
  •  25
  • Do longitude or latitude lines go up and down (vertical)?
  •  15
  • Do longitude or latitude lines go side to side (horizontal)?
  •  15
  • If I said the King's Island Effile Tower is located at E,10 did I give you the realtive or absoulte location?
    absoulte location
  •  15
  • How do magnets relate to compasses?
    The north pole acts like a magnet to compasses
  •  15