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The ugly one 16-20 vocabulary

  •  English    36     Public
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  • confide means to
    reveal privately
    ask a lot of questions
    behave carelessly
    hide privately
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  • If I jeopardize the surprise party then I
    am not invited to it
    might ruin it for everyone and risk it not occurring
    relocate it
    forget a gift
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  • grief is
    unhappiness and sorrow
    a land pokemon that cries a lot
    imaginary creature with human head and wings
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  • Why don't you ponder on that? means
    You should blend it with something
    You should speculate or think about
    you should make a blunder
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  • which is most likely to be frigid?
    a sleeping puppy in a warm bed
    feet by the firepalce
    a igloo hotel in Alaska made of ice
    a cup of hot cocoa left on the table overnight
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  • If I designate you as my replacement in the minecraft tournament then I
    I choose you to take my place
    I expect you to feed me
    I expect you to stay awake while I play
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  • If my car is designated as a no dance zone then
    There is dancing while driving
    There is dancing on the roof of my car
    There is no dancing in my car
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  • If something is scarce then it is
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  • He devoured his hamburger. What did he do?
    He added lettuce and cheese to his order at MCDO
    He destroyed it with his teeth
    He ran away with his french fries
    He stole his friends lunch
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  • I see hi with his entourage walking down the street. What am I looking at?
    someone all alone walking
    a group of people with someone
    someone in distress
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  • Grimace means to
    camp out in the woods
    sleep in a tent
    make a face
    clown around
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  • I shunned him. what did I do?
    gave someone money
    ostracized someone
    predicted someone's future
    fed someone food
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  • the burden is great. What is a burden?
    a misconception about something
    a belief about something
    the first light of day
    an onerous concern
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  • If I have a litter of kittens, what do I have?
    I have trash I picked up on the street where I found kittens
    kittens from different mothers born at different times
    kittens born at the same time to the same mother
    I have stray kittens without mothers
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  • Litter has two meanings:
    pokemon or waffles
    pancakes or babies
    trash or offsrping
    offspring or summer
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  • Erode means to
    do it quickly
    take one's time
    crash together
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