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  • 殡仪馆
    (bìn yí guǎn) funeral parlor
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  • 追悼
    zhuī dào (mourning)
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  • 挽联
    (wǎnlián) elegiac couplet
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  • 惊异
    jīngyì surprised; amazed感到意外,奇怪;惊奇诧异
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  • 爱戴
    àidài to love and respect
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  • 逝世
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  • 吊唁
    diào yànto mourn the dead and offer condolences to the bereaved 祭奠死者并对家属进行慰问
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  • 囫囵吞枣
    (hú lún tūn zǎo): "to swallow information without assimilating it" 比喻对事物不加分析思考。
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  • 张冠李戴
    zhāng guān lǐ dài - to confuse one thing with another把姓张的帽子戴在姓李的头上。比喻名不副实或误甲为乙
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  • 碰壁
    to hit a brick wall-be rebuffed (pèng bì)比喻遇受阻碍或遭到拒绝。也指事情行不通或达不到目的
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  • 慈祥
    cí xiáng kindly; benevolent (often of older person)
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  • 北风怒号
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  • 饱经风霜
    【拼音】bǎo jīng fēng shuāng 【解释】(成)饱:充分;经:经历;风霜:比喻艰难困苦。形容经历长期艰难困苦的生活和斗争。 【英文】(idiom)been through hardships 【例句】这位饱经风霜的老人热泪盈眶,紧紧抱住了失散多年的亲人。
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  • 镊子
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  • 敷药
    fū yào apply medicine
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